Reasons Why Social Security Income (SSI) Disability Claims Are Denied

SSI is a federal disability program that delivers monthly benefits to individuals who are disabled and have low assets and income. It is an alternative to SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance). You are qualified for SSI benefits even if you do not have a prolonged work history of bringing an SSDI claim. 

Yet, many people struggle to receive disability compensation through SSI. There are various reasons why SSI disability benefits are rejected. If your disability claims are denied, you should contact Gallo, Cazort & Co. Law Firm

Reasons why Social Security Income (SSI) disability claims are denied

  • Failing or unable to submit the required forms to the SSA

The SSA requires that you submit several forms to them before you can start receiving benefits. You must submit a completed Application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and an Entitlement Summary. Additional required forms may include a Personal Budget Plan and a Budget Summary. If you fail to submit all of the required documents, the SSA may deny your claim.

  • Failing to give every relevant information on the disability form

If the SSA denies your application for disability benefits, it is quite possible that you failed to provide all relevant information on your disability form. When filling out the form, you are to list all your disabling conditions and any other physical or mental limitations that prevent you from working.

The SSA may deny your application if you provide insufficient information on your form. When filling out your application, be as detailed as possible. If you need help with how to fill out the form, dozens of online resources are available.

  • Failing to provide sufficient medical evidence to prove a disability

According to the SSI, to qualify for disability benefits, you must have a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death, preventing you from working.

You will need to provide medical evidence from your treating physician(s) or other medical sources that your condition meets the SSA’s definition of disability. This evidence must show that you cannot work due to your medical condition.

If you do not have sufficient medical evidence to prove your disability, you may wish to consult with an attorney to discuss your options.

  • You have many financial assets and money.

Finally, an SSI disability claim can be denied for financial reasons. Before proving that you have a medical disability, you must show that you have a low income and limited financial assets. Anyone who makes more money or has many financial assets can be denied disability benefits.

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